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Fresher for longer


Most people eat apples.

Most people know that if you don’t eat the whole apple immediately then the flesh turns brown. More often than not, this puts people off leaving an apple and coming back to eat more later.


Bravo™ apples have a very high flavonoid content. Not only is that awesome for your health, it means that the white flesh is ultra slow to turn brown. Tests have shown that a Bravo™ apple could still have white flesh 7 days after being cut.

What does this mean?

Do you have the child that loves apples but won’t have them in their lunchbox because they turn brown? Now your child can enjoy their favourite, healthy, lunchtime snack!

The fruit platter you wanted to put apples on, but were worried they might turn brown. No problems!

The two bite toddler that only wanted a quick munch – they can have the rest later!

You only wanted a small snack. No problems for you either.

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Get in touch today!

At Membrillo, we believe it’s all about communication.

We treat our clients as partners and work with you to provide the highest quality fresh produce in Perth and throughout WA, to help make your business more successful and as a consequence, our business too.

Get in touch today! At Membrillo, we believe it’s all about communication.

We treat our clients as partners. We’ll work with you to provide high-quality, fresh wholesale produce in Perth and throughout WA to help make your business more successful and therefore, our business too. For more information about what we can provide, send us an enquiry below or call (08) 9456 1429.

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